The best Vsevolod Sanayev’s movies

Vsevolod Sanayev

Vsevolod Sanayev

25/02/1912- 27/01/1996
We present our ranking of the best Vsevolod Sanayev’s movies. Do you love cinema? Or are you looking for a movie of your favorite actor to watch tonight? Surely you have some to see or that you did not know yet about Vsevolod Sanayev.


Eight space cargo-ships disappear without a trace within three days. And the orbit station "Margot" has suddenly fallen silent. The space council is faced with a mystery and the scientist in charge, Maria Scholl, sees no other solution than ordering a total flight stop to this mysterious sector of space. Her colleague, Prof. Tal seems to be suspicious since he knows things before they are even released. A forbidden look into his personal file brings to light that Tal was part of the Eolomea project that never found approval of the commission in charge.

What a Mess!

What a Mess!
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 06/06/1995
The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.

Teheran '43

Teheran '43
Documents reveal in 1980 that the Germans planned to kill the Big Three in Teheran in 1943.This story starts in 1980 in Paris as the memories of Andrei Borodin (Igor Kostolevsky), a Soviet agent, take the action back to 1943 during the Teheran meetings of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. A high-ranking Nazi officer developed a plan to assassinate the three world leaders in order to undermine the Allied forces. He commissioned the German agent Max Richard (Armen Dzhigarkhanian) to carry out his plan, but it failed miserably due to the quick action and thinking of Andrei. While in Teheran, Andrei met a French woman, Marie Louni (Natalia Belokhvostikova), living in the city and they had a brief but intense affair. Nearly four decades later, the Nazi officer has been captured - but not for long. Freed by terrorists, the officer is hunting down the German agent who failed to carry out the planned assassinations. Max lives at Françoise (Claude Jade), a young French woman, who hides him.

Secret of the Blackbirds

Secret of the Blackbirds
Mr. Fortescue, owner of a big company, unexpectedly dies. The autopsy shows that he has been poisoned. Nobody actually loved him, and even his family members had their reasons to kill him. But who really did it? And who is responsable for killing his young servant and his wife within the next couple of days? Of course the only person who can answer this question is Ms. Marple. And of course, the murderer is the person you least expected it to be.

Different Fortunes

Different Fortunes
  • Genre: DramaRomance
  • Release: 21/09/1956
  • Character: partorg of the Central Committee
Young Leningraders, yesterday’s schoolchildren, are entering adulthood. Sonya is in love with Styopa, but he loves Tanya, and Tanya prefers Fedya. The rejected Styopa leaves for a distant Siberian city and starts working at the factory, studying at the evening institute. Sonya leaves after him and gets a job at the same factory. Tanya and Fedya, having married, go to college, and the young husband has to earn some money as a driver to support his family. The selfish nature of Tanya refuses to put up with the modest position in which the newlyweds are forced to be, and she starts an affair with an elderly composer...

White Dew

White Dew
A funny story about Fyodor - the oldest person in the village - and his three sons.

Volga - Volga

Volga - Volga
  • Genre: ComedyMusic
  • Release: 24/04/1938
  • Character: The Lumberjack (as V. V. Sanayev)
Widely claimed to be Joseph Stalin's favorite movie, this classic musical comedy is a must-see. The action takes place on a steamboat on the iconic Volga River, as two groups of performers travel to Moscow to perform in the Moscow Musical Olympiad.

An Optimistic Tragedy

An Optimistic Tragedy
1918 year. A woman commissar has been appointed from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party to the Russian warship Gromoboi, which is ruled by anarchist sailors. The leader of the ship is the anarchist Vozhak. The Commissioner was instructed to reorganize the naval detachment into the First Sailor Regiment. She faces a difficult task: to win the authority of the sailors and eradicate anarchy. Of the remaining officers on the ship — lieutenant Bering, who served in the tsarist fleet on the battleship "Emperor Paul I". He must become the commander and, together with the sent commissar, lead the regiment to the front in the Black Sea region.

Black Prince

Black Prince
  • Genre: Mystery
  • Release: 20/06/1973
  • Character: Colonel Zorin
In the second movie colonel Zorin is trying to find a stolen "Black Prince" diamond.


  • Genre: ComedyDrama
  • Release: 02/04/1972
  • Character: Professor
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev, traveling with his wife to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.

Your Son and Brother

Your Son and Brother
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 18/04/1966
  • Character: father
Based on short stories by Vasiliy Shukshin. About the life and people of the modern Soviet village. Old Yermolai lived all his life in one village. He has four sons, each with their own problems. The youngest foolishly ended up in jail and, three months before his release, greatly missing his family, escaped.

Liberation: The Break Through

Liberation: The Break Through
  • Genre: DramaWar
  • Release: 08/05/1970
  • Character: Lukin
A grandiose military film epic, which does not know analogues in world cinema: the history of the Great Patriotic War from the Battle of the Kursk Bulge to the installation of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag - "Liberation".

The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'

The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'
  • Genre: Mystery
  • Release: 06/06/1970
  • Character: Colonel Zorin
In the first movie colonel Zorin is trying to find a stolen "Saint Luke" painting.

The Big Ore

The Big Ore
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 14/12/1964
A story of Victor, a young man who is working in a big mine as driver.

Forgotten Tune for the Flute

Forgotten Tune for the Flute
A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.

Colonel Zorin Version

Colonel Zorin Version
  • Genre: Mystery
  • Release: 01/01/1978
  • Character: Colonel Zorin
In the third movie colonel Zorin is investigating two murders.

If War Comes Tomorrow

If War Comes Tomorrow
The propaganda documentary about the readiness of the Red Army to repulse any enemy is based on documentary shots taken during the real maneuvers of the Red Army. Armadas of tanks, immense columns of infantry, dozens of fighters and bombers, thousands of cavalry, legendary divisions of the Civil War. The film glorifies Soviet military power and shows the Soviet people what the war will be like when the imperialists attack the USSR — quick, victorious, almost bloodless.

There, Beyond the Horizon

There, Beyond the Horizon
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 13/12/1976
  • Character: general constructor
A young engineer Dmitriy Zherekhov who came to the aircraft plant is trying to prove to the director that it is necessary to switch to new methods of organizing production. He is supported by both experienced test engineer Aleksei Sedykh and test engineer Lyudmila Rudneva. Lyudmila likes Dmitriy, but his rigidity and rationalism complicate their relationship...

The First Day of Freedom

The First Day of Freedom
  • Release: 08/06/1964
Freed Polish soldiers are trapped in a small town in Germany during the last days of World War II. After a doctor's daughter is raped by a concentration camp worker, the Poles allow her and her father to stay in the house that is their temporary quarters. While waiting to be repatriated, the war-weary group is forced to fight some German soldiers who invade the town. The war brings out conflicting emotions of the Poles who find themselves trapped in the house and once again under fire from the enemy.

Трижды воскресший

Трижды воскресший
  • Genre: ComedyDrama
  • Release: 17/07/1960
  • Character: Starodub Ivan Aleksandrovich
In 1919, on the tow boat Komsomol went to beat the whites. During the Second World War, during the heroic battle on the Volga on this boat were transporting wounded soldiers and children

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