The best Valentin Grachev’s movies

Valentin Grachev

Valentin Grachev

28/06/1940- 28/12/1995
We present our ranking of the best Valentin Grachev’s movies. Do you love cinema? Or are you looking for a movie of your favorite actor to watch tonight? Surely you have some to see or that you did not know yet about Valentin Grachev.

Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession

Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession
Shurik Timofeev builds a working model of a time machine. By accident, Ivan Bunsha, an apartment complex manager, and George Miloslavsky, a petty burglar, are transferred to 16th century Moscow, while Tsar Ivan the Terrible goes into the year 1973.

Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow

Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow
This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.

Liberation: The Fire Bulge

Liberation: The Fire Bulge
The "Fiery Arc" tells of a grandiose battle on the Kursk Bulge in the summer of 1943. Here was the largest tank battle in the history of World War II. Along with the personal fate of the heroes, the film shows battle scenes, the activities of headquarters and intelligence, those who worked at the front and in the rear.

The Hot Snow

The Hot Snow
  • Genre: DramaWar
  • Release: 06/06/1972
  • Character: Nechayev
In November, 1942, near the Volga, Stanlingrad is under siege of Commander Friederich Paulus and his 330,000 men. The Russian high command unleashes an operation to protect the Mishkova River to avoid that about four hundred tanks join Paulus' army. The Soviet artillery soldiers protect their position with their lives in a bloodshed with few survivors.

One Second for a Feat

One Second for a Feat

The First Date

The First Date
Alexey and Valentina met in the tourist camp on Seliger, and after two weeks they celebrated their wedding. Returning to the family, the young couple faced the first difficulties. Both parents didn't like the willfulness of the young - and there were problems with housing. They started a constant quarrels. The young soon agreed that their wedding was premature ...


An eccentric musical comedy based on the tale of Korney Chukovsky. In Africa, monkeys fell ill. This news was reported to Dr. Aybolit by the monkey Chichi, who escaped from the robber Barmaley. Aybolit and his assistants — Chichi and the dog Avva — are in a hurry to save the monkeys from the disease. But Barmaley and his robbers are trying to stop them. First, they capture the doctor’s ship at sea and throw Aybolit, Avva and Chichi into the water, but they swim to Africa.

If You Are Right

If You Are Right
  • Genre: Romance
  • Release: 19/03/1964
  • Character: Vanya
Having lost her parents during the war, Galya was brought up in an orphanage. When the grandfather was rehabilitated, they began to live together. Galya often called Alyosha to repair the phone. After walking around Moscow at night, they realized that they loved each other. Once, after another call, Aleksei was slandered. The boss, not wanting to delve into the essence of the client's complaint, invited Aleksei to apologize. The guy refused — and he was fired from his job. Friends helped him find another job, but he could not convince Galya that he was right. The girl reproached him for cowardice — and the heroes quarrelled...

Ivan Brovkin on the State Farm

Ivan Brovkin on the State Farm
Ivan Brovkin finishes serving in the army with the rank of sergeant and, together with a group of comrades after demobilization, decides to go to the development of state farm. He arrives at his native collective farm and meets there a cool welcome: the chairman of the collective farm, the bride Lyubasha and mother — consider him a traitor. The planned wedding is canceled, and Brovkin leaves for the state farm. Brovkin comes to the state farm at the time of plowing the land. He joins the team. Winter passes after working days. In letters home he writes that everything is fine with him. News about how Ivan lives is spreading throughout the village. Lyubasha is seriously thinking about running away from home to the state farm...

Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva

Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva
Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva

The Frigid Sea

The Frigid Sea
  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 01/01/1954
  • Character: Ваня Хинков
Several commercial fishermen were attacked by sea pirates and were forced to spend more than one year on a desert island. Many considered them dead - but almost all of them managed to survive ...

Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog

Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog
After coming out of jail a sneak thief "Chibis" plans a big afaire.

One of Us

One of Us
  • Genre: Action
  • Release: 19/01/1971
  • Character: Gromov
April 1941. According to intelligence received by the Chekists, a fascist sabotage group plans to blow up one of Moscow's defense plants. To find out the plans of saboteurs working under the auspices of the German embassy, ​​the NKVD sends one of its best employees, Sergei Biryukov, to the plant. He finds contact with the fascist agent Keller and finds out that the explosion is scheduled for June 21...

The Golden Echelon

The Golden Echelon
1919 year. There is a civil war in Siberia. Taking advantage of the complete confusion, Admiral Kolchak wants to export part of the country's gold reserves abroad. At the very last moment the Bolsheviks find out about it. They decide to intercept the train, but do not have time to properly prepare the operation... The girl Nadya, in whom the head of the train is passionately in love, can save the situation. Several kilometers of railway tracks to the border become a battlefield between white and red.

Last Bread

Last Bread
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 19/08/1963
  • Character: Student at the dance (uncredited)
After going through all the details of the old combine with his own hands, the pioneer virgin landowner granddad Yakushenko met his last great suffering - harvesting bread - in the most dignified manner. Aleksei, Irina and Dmitriy decide to help granddad — and went in the evening to look for spare parts for his combine in neighbouring farms...



Mysterious Find

Mysterious Find
Three kids from a coastal village in the Far North discover an old rifle in a cave. They learn about a national hero Guriy Gagarka and organize an expedition to gather more info on him.

Человек без паспорта

Человек без паспорта

The Guardian

The Guardian
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 01/12/1970
  • Character: Саша
A young a lazy man becomes a guardian of an old lady.

Shore Leave

Shore Leave
A sailor spends only one day on a shore but during this day he meets a lot of people and even meets a girl who is going to wait for him.

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