The best Roberts Mustaps’s movies

Roberts Mustaps

Roberts Mustaps

We present our ranking of the best Roberts Mustaps’s movies. Do you love cinema? Or are you looking for a movie of your favorite actor to watch tonight? Surely you have some to see or that you did not know yet about Roberts Mustaps.

Springtime Frost

Springtime Frost
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 26/11/1955
  • Character: Janis
The end of nineteenth century. Maidservant Madara is in love with farmhand Andrs, yet she marries a rich and old household owner. As time passes, her heart hardens and things get complicated when Andrs returns to the neighborhood and Madara's husband dies leaving her widowed with a son.

Latviešu strēlnieka stāsts

Latviešu strēlnieka stāsts
  • Release: 17/11/1958
A story of a Latvian rifleman between two revolutions.


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 01/09/1959
A political film based in Latvian countryside in 1947.

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