The best Motawea Oweis’s comedy movies

Motawea Oweis

Motawea Oweis

Today we present the best Motawea Oweis’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Motawea Oweis’s movies.

The Third Class

The Third Class
A group of football team supporters go through a lot of trouble to watch the games while the management headed by Captain Aouf are reaping benefits effortlessly. To calm their rage Sorour is appointed as their representative in the council only to unravel their scam further, so they continue their revolt.

Ismail Yassine Meets Rayya and Sakina

Ismail Yassine Meets Rayya and Sakina
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release: 21/03/1955
  • Character: من جيران ريا
A young man discovers that his fiancée goes to a gang that kills women and steals their jewelry. He gets scared and calls the police after he accidentally goes to their house.

Serr el ghaeb

Serr el ghaeb
A wealthy merchant monopolized the grain trade and used to hide it from time to time in order to manipulate its prices in the market, in this way it is a great wealth, suddenly the merchant disappears and leaves his wife who fails to know the secret of his sudden disappearance. She works for an accountant young man, who quickly falls in love with her, and at the same time helps her manage the department store.

Ebn El-Hetta

Ebn El-Hetta
Exploiting the great resemblance between Ashour El-Aaghati and actor Farid Shawky, director Mahmoud Al-Badrawi decides to use him in many scenes. At the same time, Ashour relates to his neighbor Najat and decides to marry despite all the attempts of the master, the owner of the cafe, to stand in the way of their love. At the same time, a painful accident occurs to the artist Farid, leading to his death, and director Mahmoud decides to use Ashour as an alternative, declaring that the actor will not die.

El majanin fi naim

El majanin fi naim
A madman exposes humanity’s insanity. Andeel leaves a mental hospital after 10 years of treatment are over to face the world again. Whenever he reveals that he used to be a mental patient, he is faced with aggressive suspicion, cruelty and rejection. When a shop owner refuses to hire him, he yells that he is the only one with an official certificate that proves he is actually sane. We follow his miserable search for a job and watch situations in which, over and over again, he gets very close to a decent life just before his unrestrained tongue reveals a side of his madness that freaks people out. Andeel is an honest, kind person who’s good at what he does, but people’s uncontrollable fear of madness makes them want to get rid of him and the uncomfortable state he puts them in, probably because of how normal he seems, just like them, yet how crazy he is, like they fear they might be.

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