The best Mohsun Sanani’s movies

Mohsun Sanani

Mohsun Sanani

19/06/1900- 11/02/1981
Today we present the best Mohsun Sanani’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Mohsun Sanani’s movies.

If Not This, Then That

If Not This, Then That
Popularly known by the name of the main character, "Mashadi Ibad" was based on a musical comedy by composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov and written in the early 1900s. The story is based on the age old-theme of a beautiful young woman Gulnaz who falls in love with a young man Sarvar but is obliged to marry someone else.

Dağlarda Döyüş

Dağlarda Döyüş

Maiden Tower Legend

Maiden Tower Legend
The plot of the film is taken from the legend of the Azerbaijan Maiden Tower. According to legend shirvanshah fell in love with his daughter and wanted to marry her. Learning of this daughter Shirvanshah jumped from the top of the tower in the Caspian Sea.

The Shadows are Crawling

The Shadows are Crawling

In the Name of God

In the Name of God
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 17/11/1925
  • Character: Gochu
Religiously themed early Soviet propaganda film in Azerbaijan against Islam. Unlike earlier propaganda films in the region, this was actually made by an (nearly) all Azeri cast and crew and directed by an Azeri filmmaker that would go on to be famous amongst his own people, despite his early collusion with the new ruling government. At the center of the film is a greed Molla (holy man in Azeri Islam) who has been cheating one of the local peasants for years out of all types of goods and services, and then delighting over his success in an very un-religious, specifically un-Islamic, way. Once the Revolution takes place and the Bolsheviks arrive, the peasant is empowered and realizes the deception on the part of the Molla and takes him to the newly set up "People's Court," where is finds justice and the Molla is punished.

Fatali Khan

Fatali Khan


The heroic Koroghlu is a poor youngster who leads a peasants' revolt against the tyrannic Khan.

The Magic Gown

The Magic Gown
In second half of XX century a couple of student who had been called "pioneer" in Azerbaijan USSR try to make a opening after repairing in Shah Palace. Indian wizard shows up and gives a rope to pioneers as a gift for reopenning of palace. Processes starts after that.

Two Boys from the Same District

Two Boys from the Same District


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 25/05/1934
  • Character: Gulu

The Black Stones

The Black Stones
After the novel of the same name of Mehdi Huseyn.

The Peasants

The Peasants



The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense

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