The best Mammadrza Sheikhzamanov’s movies

Mammadrza Sheikhzamanov

Mammadrza Sheikhzamanov

04/08/1912- 25/01/1984
If you love cinema, you will share this ranking of the best Mammadrza Sheikhzamanov’s movies, although you may have ordered them differently. In any case, we hope you love it and with a little luck discovering a movie that you still don’t know about Mammadrza Sheikhzamanov.

The Secret of the Mountain

The Secret of the Mountain
The struggle of the people against the shakh (king) who seized all of land and water resources.

Saddle these Horses

Saddle these Horses
The film is about Gachag Nabi's heroism.

The Shadows are Crawling

The Shadows are Crawling

Can One Forgive Him?

Can One Forgive Him?
The film is about the boy who got under bad when influence after losting his family he faced with tragic events.

The Avenger of Ganjabasar

The Avenger of Ganjabasar
The film is about the rebellion in Ganja in 1919-1920 at the head of Gatir Mammad.


The film is about oilman who had beautiful voice. He didn't attach great importance to his friends is advice to get special music reward. But he changed his attitude to art under the influence of his friends.


  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 05/06/1974
  • Character: Sheikh Azam
The film is a biographical true story about life of Imadaddin Nasimi, well known throughout the East for his school of philosophy and thought, poems and promotion of moral values in a feudal society. During the 14th-15th centuries, when Azerbaijan was a stage for warring powers and civil wars, Nasimi was the only poet committed to promotion of humanism and moral values inflicting criticism on the ruling system and the society itself. For his intruding role in feudal regimes, Nasimi lived a complex and tragic life.

Leyli and Majnun

Leyli and Majnun
  • Genre: DramaRomance
  • Release: 13/09/1961
  • Character: Darvish
After the literary work of the same name of Nizami Ganjavi and Mahammad Fuzuli. The film is about pure love of two young people.

Dante's Anniversary

Dante's Anniversary
After the novelette of the same name of Anar. The film is about an actor's life and work.

Where is Ahmad?

Where is Ahmad?
When his parents try to marry him to their neighbors' daughter, Ahmad runs away from home and his family try to find him.

Sound of the Pipe

Sound of the Pipe
  • Genre: DramaHistory
  • Release: 01/12/1975
  • Character: Isfandiyar
The novelette was written by I.Huseynov. In the film, the problem of war is viewed from the perspective of love. Almost all of the men of the village are at the battlefront. The women who stayed in the night and day to support their efforts. Children wake up in the middle of the night, crying for bread. All of the villagers feel anxious for the men to return. Mothers are waiting for their sons; wives, for their husbands and children, for their fathers. When Sayali's husband dies at the front, her husband's friend Jabrayil proposes to her. The people of the village are furious. Jabrayil's brothers leave home, convinced that their family has been disgraced. One brother goesw crazy; the other fall ill and dies. The only person who doesn't blame Jabrayil is the "agsaggal" (the wise old man) of the village - Isfandiyar Kishi. In this film, note single sound of weaponry is heard, not are any battle scenes depicted, yet we still witness the inherent tragedy of war.

The Black Stones

The Black Stones
After the novel of the same name of Mehdi Huseyn.

The Cherry Tree

The Cherry Tree
It is the story of an old man - Gulam - and the cherry tree which grew in his garden. As the story opens, the village children consider Gulam their best friend. But as the war wears on, Gulam directs his kindness and affection to his cherry tree, shielding the tree from the children who are starving. In the process, Gulam becomes very aggressive and eventually is seen as the enemy of the children. The movie shows how war can destory even the most tender and gentle feelings, as well as the most basic moral values of being human.

Çarvadarların izi ilə

Çarvadarların izi ilə
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 30/07/1974
  • Character: Ali
The novel was written by Ilyas Afandiyev. The film is about road builders.

The Peasants

The Peasants

The Great Support

The Great Support
  • Genre: DramaFamily
  • Release: 16/12/1962
  • Character: Sharafoghlu
After the novellette of the same name of M.Ibrahimov. The film is about a man who trusted his subordinates.

Painful Roads

Painful Roads
The movie is based on Azerbaijani folk tale "Malikmammad and the Three Princes".

My Seven Sons

My Seven Sons
This film was based on Samad Vurgun's "Komsomol poem". Seven sons, like seven samurai become the seven komsomols (communist leaders) who were sent to a village to establish Soviet power. Seven sons become the romanticized images of people's heroes ready to take revenge.

Under the Burning Sun

Under the Burning Sun
The hero of the film coming to the village for a short while decided to stay there by his medical duty.

The Golden Goose

The Golden Goose
  • Genre: Drama
  • Release: 16/10/1972
  • Character: Mahmud
The film is about the fishing island.

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