The best Erik Frey’s romance movies

Erik Frey

Erik Frey

29/02/1908- 02/09/1988
Today we present the best Erik Frey’s movies. If you are a great movie fan, you will surely know most of them, but we hope to discover a movie that you have not yet seen … and that you love! Let’s go there with the best Erik Frey’s movies.

The Standard

The Standard
During the final days of the First World War, Officer Menis does his duty in defending the battle flag of the defeated Austro-Hungarian empire, while his fellow troops, a motley gang recruited from several different countries not loyal to the royal family, simply try to survive by any means possible.



Die Lindenwirtin vom Donaustrand

Die Lindenwirtin vom Donaustrand
  • Genre: Romance
  • Release: 28/11/1957
  • Character: Prof. Herdmenger

Durch die Wälder durch die Auen

Durch die Wälder durch die Auen

Solang' die Sterne glüh'n

Solang' die Sterne glüh'n

Trees Are Blooming in Vienna

Trees Are Blooming in Vienna

Der Kaiser und das Wäschermädel

Der Kaiser und das Wäschermädel

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